Friday, August 17, 2007

I'm so sorry i faked my survey results

on a faithful wednesday afternoon,
me and my class were doing a survey on the school's aptitude and stuff
everyone else just started, and i had already finished.
yes, i faked my results

anyways, when i was happily shading,
kteok reminds us not to "cheat"
and just at this moment, my 'best' friend gareth turns around and laughs at me
kteok comes over, sees that i have an ability to foresee survey questions, and tears up my otas
he slams another one on my table and says he'll refer me to the year director (note the word refer)
oh, and a demerit point

but why you ask?
well, there's actually no point in doing this sort of survey, i don't usually disagree with things so i either agree or strongly agree
so then, whats the point of looking at the question?

quite honestly, i don't give a shit whether he gives it to me or not, or if he 'refers' me to year director
all i can tell him is "i'm so sorry sir, i faked my survey results"

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