Tuesday, July 31, 2007


for those who watched the simpsons movie,
you may recall the start where Green Day is playing the simpsons theme song
just rockin' out and stuff
then suddenly they talk of going green and moe throws a rock right through the bass drum and hits the drummer in the crotch?

thats right, go green
it may not seem like much
but if we do small things like unplugging your charger etc. everyday
we can make a difference

a song by madonna (also the theme song for live earth) goes
if you can change someone else, then you have saved someone else
but you must first love yourself, then you can love someone else

what a truth, what a truth


Monday, July 30, 2007

free mugs?

charity cafe today
for no apparent reason i decided to start a free hugs campaign
we just wrote FREE HUGS - donation optional on a piece of paper and started hugging
response was good, mostly guys took up the offer
teachers didn't want the hug, but donated instead
thong hugged a female teacher and another girl
he got the most out of this
we earned 12 bucks, which is good considering our cost was a piece of foolscap
funny things come out of my brain when i'm not thinking

FREE HUGS anyone?

Sunday, July 29, 2007

The Simpsons Movie

Woots, watched simpsons movie on friday.
Wasn't very intellectual, but thats what keeps us going back to it isn't it?
felt like an extended simpsons episode, only an hour and a half long
its dumbly funny, which is the trademark of homer isn't it?

after the movie we attended one of the worst drama nights in my life, because it was the only one i went for.
i didn't watch boot camp, didn't watch the birds, watched centrestage, which isn't part of acdc
damn, drama sucked balls.
i'm just being dramatic about it, dont mind me.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Own those rude-iments

Man, tuesday was a total fluke. Drums was damn bad, screwed up at every bar.
Man, those rudiments are tough. The exam pieces are alright though.
Wish me luck when i go for the test.

Some people are really desperate.
"Suggest" a critque on a play that needs tickets that needs buying.
Practically "suggesting" us to watch the play.

Here, suggesting mean strongly encouraging, which also means "Do it or you die."

Friday, July 20, 2007

Parry Otter!

I awaken to the doorbell, stagger to the door, when suddenly the man asks for a Johnny. I wonder a little, trying to figure out who the hell?
Suddenly I realised the truth, I used the alias Johnny on Popular's website.
He hands over a package that looks like a book. I eagerly signed on the piece of paper he gave me and tore open the packaging. Wow.

Woots, HarryPotter owner at 9.02am.

Mad-Eye dies.
Sorry for the spoiler, but there'll be more to come.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

raed tihs

Cmabidrge Uivneistry syas taht as lnog as the satrt and end wdors are the smae, we wlil siltl be albe to rocgensie the wrod. Tihs is bcsueae our bairn deos not raed lteter by ltteer, but rthaer wrod by wrod.


Could you read that?

Monday, July 16, 2007


Here are some pics of my new phone,
don't go green with envy. Just go green.

Here i'm trying to take a picture of my phone with... my phone.
felt like a dog trying to chase its own tail but... it's different.

And here I used my other phone to take a picture of my new phone.

Isn't it sexy?

Remeber, GO GRRRREEEEEEEN, like Shrek.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

And THAT, is why my blog is GREEN.

A new chapter of my phone-book

I got my K800i today, after about 2 months of my K618i, which is pretty fast considering my last Rokr was 2 years ago.
Don't say I'm rich cos I had a 100 bucks off voucher.
Haven't really touched it yet but I must say its pretty hot. :]

Back to business.
Save the Earth!
If Arctic Monkeys don't like recycling its their problem. I still love their songs.
But still, lets all work together to save the Earth.

Why? You may ask. I'll say, because Al Gore says so.
And its true, because he was the one who opened my eyes to this HUGE problem of global warming.
If we want to live our entire lives without being dead, we should work together. Also, to ensure the survival of the next generation of spoiled, rich, good-for-nothing brats we must pollute the environment as much as we can. But, seriously, its a moral and ethical issue here. If one person makes the effort, and everyone follows suit, we can definitely make a difference.

If Jennifer Garner is going green, you should too.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Yes, it looks messy but.
Anyone can help?
Haven't touched blogs for a long long long time.

Hairy Porter and the Order of Macdonald's

8.30pm, 11.07.07

I get home, and suddenly feel emo. It might be weird for a guy to feel emo but i just did.
Reasons as to why emo-ness kicked in:
1. I came home to realise the fan in my room has been brutally murdered by the electrician
2. I just came home from watching Harry Potter and I must say i'm deeply disappointed.
- Being a fan of Harry Potter for at least 5-6 years doesn't just brush off that easily.
- I had read every book up till Half-Blood Prince just to catch up with the storyline of the movie.
- To my horror, they had decided to cram 870 pages into a mere 138 minutes. (What about Pirates?)
- Ronald and Ginny had only minimum dialogue throughout the movie, despite them playing a large role in the book.
- Everything happened so fast, I felt like i was watching a movie about a Japanese bullet train.
- Everything had changed, including Aunt Petunia looking like an overgrown cheerleader and Uncle Vernon adding tons of weight. Dudley looks as retarded as ever(one thing they didn't change).
- Everything I had imagined it to be turned out to be almost the exact opposite. (and I have a good sense of imagination(what a contradiction))
-Don't ask why I know so much, I have really been a die-hard fan from primary school all the way till sec 3.

Disclaimer: The above critic is entirely based on my own opinion, watch it for yourself and tell me what YOU feel. No animals were harmed in the making of this critic, and this was completely bird-flu-free.

First, but not the most

First post of NOBT,
I just wanna say I started this blog to express my deepest regrets at the latest Harry Potter film, and of course to blubber about everyday life.

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