Sunday, July 27, 2008

i says to myself, revival is needed

after a year of idling, and finally returning to this deceased blog
i realised that this blog is no more,
gone to meet its maker,
passed on to meet the Lord,
passed away,
exhausted its last and final breath,
and was desperately in need of an exciting new revelation that would bring this blog back to life.
however, there is no revelation
only belief. 
belief in the fact that i came back to blog just to waste my time
i felt myself googling "interesting websites" to pass the time
i even tried "" to forget about the pain-filled hours before fatigue started to sink in.

and if that wasn't random enough, balls and wieners to you.

PS: the entire vocabulary for the deceased was taken from Monty Python's Dead Parrot Sketch,
watch it if you can.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Prison Break Seaon 3

woots, just watched the preview for season 3
17 mins worth of heart-stopping action
man, i love prison break.

its really really good,
when it gets out you should watch it.

Friday, August 17, 2007

I'm so sorry i faked my survey results

on a faithful wednesday afternoon,
me and my class were doing a survey on the school's aptitude and stuff
everyone else just started, and i had already finished.
yes, i faked my results

anyways, when i was happily shading,
kteok reminds us not to "cheat"
and just at this moment, my 'best' friend gareth turns around and laughs at me
kteok comes over, sees that i have an ability to foresee survey questions, and tears up my otas
he slams another one on my table and says he'll refer me to the year director (note the word refer)
oh, and a demerit point

but why you ask?
well, there's actually no point in doing this sort of survey, i don't usually disagree with things so i either agree or strongly agree
so then, whats the point of looking at the question?

quite honestly, i don't give a shit whether he gives it to me or not, or if he 'refers' me to year director
all i can tell him is "i'm so sorry sir, i faked my survey results"

Friday, August 10, 2007

1 week later

its been a week since i last posted
a week ago.
my bloody IC and atm card +160 bucks, all gone, gone

anyways what had happened the night before,
more than 100 guys called for cabs to stop outside ACS(I)
and check this out,
it was 3am in the morning
the bus didn't come, captain keith got damn pissed and decide to blow all of the school's money on hailing 30+ cabs


Saturday, August 4, 2007

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

I recently watched this movie
and I must say,
it's a really great movie, coupled with a great soundtrack
good storyline, great script, excellent actors (JIM CARREY woots)

It's the most beautiful movies of all time.
What more is there to say?

Jim Carrey owns

Tuesday, July 31, 2007


for those who watched the simpsons movie,
you may recall the start where Green Day is playing the simpsons theme song
just rockin' out and stuff
then suddenly they talk of going green and moe throws a rock right through the bass drum and hits the drummer in the crotch?

thats right, go green
it may not seem like much
but if we do small things like unplugging your charger etc. everyday
we can make a difference

a song by madonna (also the theme song for live earth) goes
if you can change someone else, then you have saved someone else
but you must first love yourself, then you can love someone else

what a truth, what a truth


Monday, July 30, 2007

free mugs?

charity cafe today
for no apparent reason i decided to start a free hugs campaign
we just wrote FREE HUGS - donation optional on a piece of paper and started hugging
response was good, mostly guys took up the offer
teachers didn't want the hug, but donated instead
thong hugged a female teacher and another girl
he got the most out of this
we earned 12 bucks, which is good considering our cost was a piece of foolscap
funny things come out of my brain when i'm not thinking

FREE HUGS anyone?

Free shoutbox @ ShoutMix